Global Territorial Agreement" Cooperation Officer
closing date
working time
Contract 1 year Non-full time 26h00
The reform of local and regional authorities has led to a renewal of the local institutional fabric and to the emergence of inter-municipal cooperation establishments as a relevant scale for the coordination of local players and the provision of services to the public. These changes mean that we need to rethink the relationships that are built around territorial projects that are co-constructed and monitored collectively.
The post of cooperation officer is one response to this growing need. Its purpose is to coordinate projects aimed at maintaining and developing services for families, jointly developed and formalised by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales and local authorities as part of a Comprehensive Territorial Agreement (CTG).
Tasks :
The cooperation officer monitors the implementation and coordinates the local authority's strategic orientations in terms of territorial development and coordination. His or her position within the local authority should enable him or her to understand all of the GTC's priorities and the territory as a whole.
He/she helps to steer and monitor the projects defined as part of the local authority's social project by coordinating the activities of establishments, facilities and services for young children, children, young people, parents, etc. He/she carries out these tasks in direct collaboration with local institutional and/or association partners and with the department's Caisse d'Allocations Familiales.
He/she provides input for decision-making by sharing information continuously with local decision-makers and drawing on external expertise.
Taking account of strategic guidelines (political priorities and local issues), budgetary levers and constraints and operational imperatives, he/she helps to design schemes tailored to local needs and specific features.
Finally, he/she will support social innovation by offering monitoring and methodological support for innovative initiatives being rolled out across the region.
- Territorial or thematic diagnostics;
- Assistance and advice to elected representatives and steering committees;
- Supporting the achievement of the priority objectives of the regional project included in the CTG (for example: continuing the regional network of services for families in early childhood, children and young people and social activities, encouraging the emergence of initiatives to support parenthood, ensuring that services are accessible to the whole population, including digital inclusion, continuing initiatives to prevent rental evictions and combat substandard housing).
- Development and management of contractualisation, partnerships and professional networks; (mobilisation of local players and identification of their needs, organisation and management of steering committees, technical groups, thematic and territorial commissions, promoting exchanges of experience and partnership communication).
- Organising and leading relations with the public; (developing and leading consultation and participation mechanisms with the public, sustaining and enhancing the participation of residents in the implementation of development policies)
- Contributing to the evaluation of policies and actions implemented ;
- Send an annual report on its activities to the Caf by 31 January n + 1 at the latest.
Activities :
- Promote and implement policies on early childhood, children, youth and education, parenting, housing and access to rights;
- To ensure that the range of services on offer meets the needs of families;
- Promoting the networking of players ;
- Organising and leading community relations.
Skills and knowledge
- Mastery of the local authority environment ;
- Local authority decision-making bodies, processes and circuits ;
- Administrative procedures and acts ;
- Principles and methods of territorial public management ;
- Communication and negotiation techniques ;
- Strategic information networks ;
- Project engineering methods ;
- Cooperative working techniques ;
- Databases and dashboards ;
- Listening and consultation systems and techniques ;
- Conflict management method.
Functional relationship
Cooperation with local authority departments ;
Relations with local players, particularly associations;
Relations with institutions, partners or inspectors (departmental social cohesion directorate, Caf, academic inspectorate and schools, departmental council);
Relations with private operators as part of public service delegations;
Contacts with local communities at public information and consultation meetings.
Application :
Please send your application, quoting the vacancy number, to :
Mr Chairman of the Communauté de Communes du QUERCY ROUERGUE et des GORGES DE L'AVEYRON (Community of Communes of QUERCY ROUERGUE and the GORGES OF AVEYRON)
BP 30
Mél :
Documents to enclose :
- A detailed, recent C. A recent, detailed CV
- A covering letter
- A photocopy of your driving licence
- Copies of diplomas
Deadline for applications: 04 December 2024
Position to be filled on 01/01/2025