work & training
By resolution no. 2024_2925 dated 21 May 2024, the CCQRGA entered into a partnership with the association EREF Quercy Rouergue (EREF-QR) to provide support for jobseekers and self-employed workers.
This partnership reorganises the reception and support for people looking for work, training or projects.
Are you concerned?
Register and update with France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) by making an appointment at one of the following locations France Services of St Antonin and Caylus.
Already registered with France Travail? Make an appointment with EREF-QR to get help with your job/training search.
Looking for training?
Make an appointment with the EREF (Espace Rural Emploi Formation) for help with your search for training. For more information, visit the EREF Quercy Rouergue website.
Under the age of 25?
Are you aged between 16 and 25 and in need of support in finding a job, training, or with everyday tasks? Contact the Mission locale.
Project owners
1st appointment with Economic Development & Attractiveness Department of the CCQRGA. Support or referral to a partner support structure, where appropriate.