gemapi service
Introducing the service
Since July 2020, the CC QRGA, designated as the pilot on behalf of the 6 EPCIs (CC Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron, CC du Cordais et du Causse, CC Quercy Vert Aveyron, CC Quercy Caussadais, CA du Grand Montauban, CC Coteaux et Plaines du Pays Lafrançaisain) is carrying out a study of the Aveyron aval area in order to produce a Multiannual Management Plan for aquatic environments and to set up a governance structure for aquatic environments on the scale of the Aveyron aval catchment area.
The 6 inter-communal bodies are working closely together to define common issues and work together to improve water-related uses and the quality of our aquatic environments. This work seems essential in order to have coherent management that goes beyond administrative boundaries and that will enable us to take the best possible action to improve the quality of the water and the environment, but also to respond to the quantitative challenges (flooding and periods of low water), particularly in view of climate change and a forecast of a drastic reduction in flows of more than 40% by 2050.Work on setting up such a structure is underway and will be spread over 2022-2023.
This work is being carried out by a consultant covering the entire downstream Aveyron catchment area, from Laguépie to Lafrançaise. To contact her:

the team
The GEMAPI department consists of a technician, a team leader and from 3 maintenance workerss natural spaces. The staff are trained in woodcutting, pruning and machine driving techniques and have the appropriate equipment (tractor, forestry winch, mechanical shovel, shredder, etc.). This service carries out maintenance work on riverbank vegetation throughout the year, but is also responsible for The main aim is to restore the proper ecological functioning of watercourses and wetlands. It also contributes to retirehas de some logjams (trees and branches that have fallen into the river and can form dams) and cause spillage) and illegal dumping.
Every year, the department carries out a number of initiatives to restore the ecological functioning of aquatic environments:
- Felling and pruning of dangerous or undesirable trees on riverbanks and replanting
- Removing waste from rivers
- Diversification of flows in channelled rivers
- Creation of hiding places, spawning areas and crossings for fish fauna
- Renaturation of channelled watercourses
- Reopening of wetlands being cleared
- Development and creation of ponds
- Combating invasive alien species
- Creation of safe drinking points in livestock areas
- Flood control
- ...
Every year, the GEMAPI department also takes part in a number of initiatives to raise awareness of natural aquatic areas among the general public and schoolchildren.
aveyron aval
Since July 2020, the CC QRGA, designated as the pilot on behalf of the 6 EPCIs (CC Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron, CC du Cordais et du Causse, CC Quercy Vert Aveyron, CC Quercy Caussadais, CA du Grand Montauban, CC Coteaux et Plaines du Pays Lafrançaisain) is carrying out a study of the Aveyron aval area in order to produce a Multiannual Management Plan for aquatic environments and to set up a governance structure for aquatic environments on the scale of the Aveyron aval catchment area.
The 6 inter-communal bodies are working closely together to define common issues and work together to improve water-related uses and the quality of our aquatic environments. This work seems essential in order to have coherent management that goes beyond administrative boundaries and that will enable us to take the best possible action to improve the quality of the water and the environment, but also to respond to the quantitative challenges (flooding and periods of low water), particularly in view of climate change and a forecast of a drastic reduction in flows of more than 40% by 2050.Work on setting up such a structure is underway and will be spread over 2022-2023.
This work is being carried out by a consultant covering the entire downstream Aveyron catchment area, from Laguépie to Lafrançaise. To contact her: