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Regional Food Programme

The Quercy-Rouergue and Gorges de l'Aveyron region is divided into three geographical areas with very distinct characteristics: the Aveyron Gorges, the Rouergue hills and the Causses du Quercy.

The land on the plains is fertile and suitable for arable farming, while the land on the causses is used mainly for livestock farming.

In 2021-2023, the Communauté de communes du Quercy-Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron is committed to axis 5 "Ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural dynamic" of the Regional Food Project (PAT) of the Midi Quercy region.

A number of initiatives have been taken to encourage the next generation of farmers, including the identification of innovative and attractive diversification opportunities to revitalise the region and encourage the creation of new farms.


Today, family succession is no longer enough to ensure the renewal of generations, because although the CCQRGA had 292 farms in 2021, 39% of the farm managers were over 55*. 

Plunge into the heart of the challenges and emotions linked to the transmission of farming in the CCQRGA and explore these authentic stories from the region by watching the short film "Sowing the Future" produced by Dans le Champs, Chrisophe Gernez. 

*Source: Tarn-et-Garonne Chamber of Agriculture, 2021. 

Tarn-et-Garonne Chamber of Agriculture

Le Installation Welcome Point of the Chamber of Agriculture is open to all prospective farmers. It is the first step in helping you to carry out your installation project. 

Le Transmission Welcome Point welcomes, informs, guides and supports farmers who are coming to the end of their working life, to help them prepare for the transfer of their farm. 

Laurence Dauch
Installation - Transmission Advisor
Tel: 05 63 63 93 62
Mail :

ADEAR Tarn-et-Garonne

ADEAR Tarn-et-Garonne supports the creation of farms on a human scale, focused on the local economy, quality production and respect for the environment. 
It helps farmers acquire the knowledge they need to develop more self-sufficient agriculture that creates jobs and produces quality goods and services. 

Camille Pellerin, Installation coordinator
Tel: 06 12 92 87 92
Mail : 

Aurélia Leclerc, Transmission Coordinator
Tel.: 06 34 04 25 05
Mail : 


L'National Joint Association for Employment and Training in Agriculture was founded in 1992. Its objectives are toPromoting careers and training in agriculture, develop agricultural employment andTo provide information on the recruitment needs of agricultural workers. 

Antoinette Ballocco
Agricultural Employment & Training Advisor
Tel.: 06 16 05 44 25 
Mail : 

CIVAM Semailles

Le CIVAM SemaillesCIVAM, a non-profit association based in the Tarn-et-Garonne region, works in the field of popular education and rural development within the CIVAM network. They support farmers in an agro-ecological approach, encouraging the sharing of knowledge to promote sustainable agriculture. 

Tel.: 06 65 06 42 94
Mail :  

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