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study on the quantity of bio-waste

As part of future waste management and prevention strategies, our Syndicat Départemental des Déchets SDD82 is carrying out a study into the amount of bio-waste that unfortunately ends up in our bins. Today, the Terroirs et Communautés consultancy came to our technical services site to analyse a sample of our household waste bins. [...]

Fablab anniversary

The Fablab is celebrating its 6th anniversary! Come one, come all! From 12 noon Saturday 3 December.6 rue du long Caylus Open doors + Activities + ExhibitionShared meal (Spanish-style inn) "Loto Rigolo" (prizes, surprises and mega-surprises)


5 minutes to build a new place together in Quercy-Rouergue. Let us know what you want, what you need, or even: join us in the adventure! 🤝 (link below) >> <<

Back to Early Childhood Day

Many of you took part in the Early Childhood Day on 19 November, and we'd like to thank you! We'd especially like to thank the speakers (the Caylus and Parisot micro-creches, the Laguépie childminders, the CCQRGA's ALSH, the CCQRGA's childminder and family assistant accreditation service, the CCQRGA's childminder and family [...]).

"How can we think together about the agricultural world of tomorrow?

Nearly 50 people attended the "Au nom de la Terre" (In the name of the earth) film-debate evening on 20 October at Saint-Antonin Noble Val town hall, organised by the QRGA Community of Communes in partnership with the MSA. We'd like to thank you very much for taking part and for your valuable discussions. If you are interested in taking part [...]

Early Childhood Day

A free event bringing together all the early childhood players in your area in one place. Saturday 19 November 2022 Salle des fêtes d'Espinas from 9am to 5.30pm

Professional office rental - Caylus

📢 A number of offices are available to rent in the CRE (Centre de Ressource Économique) based in the heart of Caylus town centre, 8 rue du long! The CRE is part of the future Caylus Third-Party Centre, at the heart of a dynamic and growing ecosystem. It has a number of shared social areas, including a kitchen, a [...]

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