| PLUi-MS1 | Launch of simplified modification no. 1
By order of the President dated 25 August 2020, the Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron (CCQRGA) initiated simplified modification no. 1 (MS1) of the Intercommunal Local Urban Plan (PLUi) approved on 24 October 2017 and amended on 22 January 2020. Why this amendment? The only purpose of this minor procedure is to [...]
| New rules applicable from 18 July 2020
Amendment No. 1 to the Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme was approved by the Local Council on 22 January 2020. The amendment had four aims: to rectify material errors, to specify and clarify the written regulations, to adapt certain regulatory provisions and to take into account the emergence of new projects. Certain parts of the PLUi initially approved in 2017 have been [...]
| PLUi-M1 | Report and opinion of the Commissaire Enquêteur
The public enquiry into amendment no. 1 to the Intercommunal Local Urban Development Plan took place from 4 November to 6 December 2019. The proposed amendment has four purposes: to rectify material errors, to specify and clarify the written regulations, to adapt certain regulatory provisions and to take into account the emergence of new projects. These elements and [...]
| PLUi-M1 | New mail and comments from the public
*** Postponement of comments *** The public enquiry into amendment no. 1 to the PLUi begins on Monday 4 November, for a period of 33 days, and will end on Friday 6 December. During this period, anyone interested in the project may : Consult the public enquiry file on paper and on [...].
| PLUi-M1 | Notice of public enquiry
NOTICE OF PUBLIC INVESTIGATION Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron (CCQRGA) Modification n°1 du Plan Local d'Urbanisme Intercommunal (PLUi) >>> Access to the dematerialised public enquiry file (ZIP - 59 MB) <<< The CCQRGA, in accordance with the order of its President dated 8 October 2019, informs that a [...]
| PLUi-M1 | Documents of the file of modification n°1
Amendment No. 1 to the Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme (PLUi) has been underway by order of the President of the Communauté de Communes since 20 June 2019 in order to take account of feedback since the approval of this planning document on 24 October 2017. Four objectives have been identified, which exhaustively determine the scope of the [...]
| PLUi-M1 | The PLU is changing!
The Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme (PLUi) was approved on 24 October 2017 after several years of reflection. This urban planning document is the expression of a collective ambition for the future of the territory with the definition of major guidelines in terms of housing, economic development, the environment... over a 15-year period. The long-term vision [...]
Consult the PLUi on the Géoportail de l'Urbanisme website
The PLUi of the Communauté de Communes du Quercy, Rouergue et des Gorges de l'Aveyron can be consulted in its entirety on the Géoportail de l'Urbanisme at the following address: https://www.geoportail-urbanisme.gouv.fr/map/#tile=1&lon=1.8688099770507813&lat=44.218995714734774&zoom=11 The Géoportail de l'urbanisme is the result of a partnership between the Ministère de la Cohésion des terrritoires (MCT) and the Institut national de l'information géographique et [...].