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  • We don't sort packaging, paper and cardboard. Large cardboard boxes should be taken to a waste collection centre. Even dirty pizza boxes can be recycled! On the other hand, your pen or a broken toy can be recycled, although made of plastic, are not packaging.. Head for the hard plastic skip at the waste collection centre.
  • Empty and flatten packaging. 
  • Do not not fit. It's tempting to nest small packages inside large ones to optimise storage space at home, but in the end this is highly counterproductive. Once at the sorting centre, the machines need to see each package individually in order to direct them towards the right treatment channels.  
  • Do not rinse your packaging. All it takes is a good emptying. 
  • Sorting loose in the big yellow bins. Not in bags. 
  • Remove all the lids from the supports (they can be sorted). 
  • Leave the corks on the bottles 
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