Book Appointment

The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 21 May 2024 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

6 - 6.20 pm: Speech by the AMRF 82 (association of rural mayors of France)

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 09/04/2024
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
  3. BUDGET - Amending decision - correction to revenue allocation
    4.1 - CdC - Approval of the 2023 Annual Activity Report
    4.2 - CoP - Membership of SDET for the group purchase of electricity
    4.3 - CdC - Updating of the Shared Services Guide
    4.4 - CoP - Approval of the draft agreement between the CCQRGA and EREF-QR
    4.5 - CoP - Agreement between the CCQRGA and the Ricochets association, as part of the regional call for projects relating to the reception of refugees and asylum seekers (to be confirmed)
  5. THIRD PLACE - FABLAB - Approval and launch of the Fabrikinov call for projects
  6. CULTURE - Approval of the public reading scheme
  7. OM - Application to Citéo's "Collection" call for tenders
  8. EARLY CHILDHOOD - Start-up grant for childminders
  9. ECONOMY - Hire of premises for a temporary shop
    10.1 - Request for financial assistance from the Agence de l'Eau for the study of the Caylus land application plan
    10.2 - Request for financial assistance from the Agence de l'Eau (Water Agency) for the study of the plan for spreading sludge from the Varen lagoon
    10.3 - Revision of the increased SPANC fee (fee paid by the user if the inspection is refused)
  11. TOURISM - Changes to the tourist tax
    13.1 - GEMAPI - Recruitment of a fixed-term post (modification of an existing post)
    13.2 - Approval of the RSU
    13.3 - Maintenance of premises - creation of non-full-time posts for temporary seasonal increases in activity (ALSH cleaning)


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