Book Appointment

The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 3 December 2024 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in Saint Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 05/11/2024
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    3.1 - Grant from the general budget to the drinking water budget to finance the Varen plant
    3.2 - Subsidy paid from the general budget to the Economic Development Rental annex budget.
    3.3 - Drinking water annex budget - Amending decision for reservoir work
    4.1 - SANITATION - Amendment to the regulations governing the collective sanitation service
    4.2 - SPANC - Amendment to the SPANC service regulations
  5. GEMAPI - provision of the GEMAPI service to EPAGE Aveyron Aval (subject to confirmation)
  6. CTG - Commitment to draw up a Global Territorial Agreement (CTG) 2025-2029
  7. HABITAT - Approval of the territorial PACT
  8. TIERS LIEU - Artistic residency project at the Fabrique
  9. PUBLIC READING - Overhaul of the public reading network's website, portal and digital catalogue
    10.1 - Mobility - Approval of the Simplified Mobility Plan
    10.2 - Extension of the remit of the Centre Instructeur Nord to include the examination of applications for outdoor advertising permits
  11. CdC - Indexation of the lease with Sol'Handi
    11.1 - Creation of a non-permanent post (project contract - CTG)

11.2 - Provident scheme - Terms and conditions for implementing an employer contribution
11.3 - Updating of the CCQRGA's internal regulations
11.4 - Amendment to the Working Time Protocol
11.5 - Updating the local authority's establishment plan
11.6 - Creation of a non-permanent full-time post for temporary increase in activity
11.7 - Creation of a Territorial Volunteer in Administration "Expertise" project contract


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