Book Appointment
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The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 5 December 2023 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 24/10/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    3.1. Sanitation - Amending decision - network modification tax
    3.2. General budget - Amending decision - VAT overpayment
    3.3. Transfer of the Tiers Lieu activity to the "economic development leasing" budget
    3.4. M57 depreciation period
    3.5. Amending decision - "inflation net" reimbursement
    4.1 Waste management - Change to the rates applicable to professionals (amendment to resolution no. 2022_2581)
    4.2. OM - Modification to the rates applicable to restaurants and gourmet markets (amendment to deliberation no. 2023_2626)
  5. TIERS LIEU - Approval of the agreement relating to the implementation of training (master's degree) in partnership with CMA82
  6. CTG - Signing of the Growing up in rural areas (GMR) agreement with the MSA
  7. ASSOCIATIONS - Amendment to the rules governing the award of grants to associations
  8. PETR - approval of the circular economy action plan as part of the territorial objectives contract (cot) with ADEME and the PETR of the Midi-Quercy region
    9.1. Drinking water - Lieu-dit Salvagnac - COMMUNE de LACAPELLE-LIVRON - Easement agreement for the passage of a public pipe on private land
    9.2. Grant application for network renewal work at métairie haute, commune of Parisot
    9.3. DRINKING WATER - Varen study grant application
  10. GEMAPI
    10.1. Amendment to the Aveyron aval partnership agreement for early 2024

10.2. Common property management agreements with external communities

  1. PUBLIC READING - Grant application for the purchase of a vehicle for the Public Reading Network's documentary shuttle service
  2. CHILDREN - YOUTH - Modification of the tariffs applicable to leisure centres in the region to include the family quotient
  3. OTI
    13.1. Modification of the cash ceiling for the OTI's DFT account
    13.2 Renewal of the classification of the Intercommunal Tourist Office
    14.1 Social benefits - CNAS membership
    14.2. Updating of the permanent establishment plan
    14.3. Establishment of a compensation scheme taking into account duties, hardship, expertise and professional commitment. Cancels and replaces deliberation 2022_2589 for completeness.
    14.4. Deliberation concerning the creation of a permanent post (following a change in working hours)
    15.1. Debate on the consistency of acceleration zones for renewable energy production with the regional development plan (article L141-5-3 of the Energy Code)
    15.2. Light" revision of the PLUi in application of the provisions of article L153-34 of the town planning code

- CST - Appointment of two alternate members to the employer college
- MOBILITY - Update on the partnership being finalised with Agir ABCD

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