Book Appointment

The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 5 November 2024 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in Saint Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 10/09/2024
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    3.1 - Amending decision - General budget: tax transfer
    3.2 - General budget - Admission of unpaid invoices
    3.3 - Drinking water budget - Admission of unpaid bills
    3.4 - Sanitation budget - Admissions of unpaid bills
    3.5 - GEMAPI budget - Closure of the budget at 31/12/2024
    3.6 - General budget - Financing the Varen drinking water plant
    4.1 - Updating of drinking water service regulations
    4.2 - Water Safety Management Plan for all the territory's IDUs - 2024
    4.3 - Update of service prices
  5. HST - Assessment of occupational risks in the Paths department (update of the single document)
    6.1 - Purchase order contract for overhead bins
    6.2 - Contract for the purchase of a refuse collection truck
  7. CdC - Insurance - amendments to the public insurance contract
    8.1 - HR -ALSH Deliberation to modify the weekly working hours (DELIB 2023-2775) (Change in Noaillac's working hours from 15:00 to 20:00 - Change in Reiniche's working hours from 7:00 to 6:00)
    8.2 - HR - ALSH Deliberation to modify the length of service of a full-time post (modification of deliberation 2022-2576) (Change in Paupy's working hours from 35h to 30h)
    8.3 - HR - ALSH Deliberation to modify the duration of service of a non-full-time post of less than 10% (modification of deliberation 2018-1760 dated 27-11-2018) - (Change in Fabre's working hours from 21h to 22h)
    8.4 - HR - ALSH - Creation of a full-time activity leader post with recourse to a contractual worker (ALAE-ALSH Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val director post)
    8.5 - HR - Amendment to the decision setting the ceiling for the reimbursement of costs related to the implementation of the personal training account (CPF) - (amendment to decision no. 2018-1690 of 06-06-2018)
    8.6 - HR - Adoption of the amendment to the training regulations


  • [URBA] Development of renewable energies (ENR): new request for definition of ENR acceleration zones by the State and ongoing preparation of the Chamber of Agriculture's framework document
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