Book Appointment
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The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 8 November 2022 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :

Appointment of the meeting secretary

- 6pm - 6.45pm: Presentation of the Causses du Quercy Regional Natural Park, its areas of activity and how to become a member

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 27/09/2022
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman under delegated powers
  3. Budget
    3.1. Main budget - Write-off of irrecoverable income
    3.2. Main budget - Provision for receivables
    3.3 OTI - Write-off of irrecoverable income
    3.4. ITO - Amending decision for write-offs
  4. WATER
    4.1 Allowance for doubtful debts
    4.2 Write-offs
    4.3. Amending decision (transfer of appropriations)
    5.1. Allowance for doubtful debts
    5.2 Write-offs
    5.3. Amending decision (transfer of appropriations)
  6. PVD - Approval of the draft framework agreement for the Territorial Revitalisation Operation (ORT)
    7.1. Response to a call for projects from the Agence de l'eau "éduc'eau
    7.2. Study for the integrated management of the downstream Aveyron basin
  8. OTI - Approval of the Single Document
  9. CdC
    9.1. Delegations to the Chairman of the CCQRGA (amendment to deliberation no. 2022_2557)
    9.2. Presentation of the five-year report on changes in the amount of compensation payments
    9.3. Updating of the Community Council's rules of procedure
    9.4. CdC - Appointment of representatives to various committees
    9.5. URBANISM - Election of a member of the CCQRGA "Urban planning - PLUI - SCOT" commission (cancels and replaces deliberation no. 2022_2452)
  10. OM - Vehicle hire agreement with the Recyclerie association.
  11. TIERS LIEU - Carsac a rider to lot 03 - metal framework and (to be confirmed) to lot 01 - external works
  12. PETR - Appointment of a representative for the Territorial Objective Contract (TOC - amendment to resolution no. 2021_2412)
  13. SAINT PROJET - Sale of a multi-purpose building to the commune of Saint-Projet


  • Debate on the transformation of Tarn-et-Garonne Numérique into Tarn-et-Garonne Aménagement
  • GIP Santé progress report

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