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an essential action for our river

The drought is continuing and our rivers are at alarmingly low levels. This period is particularly difficult for the fish in our rivers, especially trout, which like cool, well-oxygenated water.

On Monday 18 September, the Fédération de Pêche du 82 (82 Fishing Federation) carried out a rescue electric fishing operation to help fish trapped in water pockets avoid suffocation. Using a special portable device, a pulsed electric current is sent through the water, forcing the fish to swim towards the electrode. The fish is then caught with a landing net and finally released downstream, where the river flows sufficiently.


This fishing technique is regulated and only authorised for scientific monitoring and conservation initiatives. It allows all the fish in a stretch of river to be caught without harming them.

The Seye and Bonnette rivers are still home to wild trout populations that need to be preserved. Several trout have therefore been saved from suffocation.

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