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Par délibération du 2 mars 2021, le conseil communautaire a défini les objectifs et modalités de la concertation avec le public préalable à la mise en compatibilité n°1 du PLUi.

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As part of the process of developing the PLUi, legislation requires a public enquiry to be organised, with the appointment of an investigating commissioner, as well as various publicity measures.

The consultation organised by the local authority is intended to complement this system.

Consultation procedures
  • The final study documents will be made available on the CCQRGA website;
  • Publication dans le journal d’information intercommunal « La Gazette » ;
  • Comments are recorded and stored by the town planning department.

Any comments retained will be forwarded to the investigating commissioner.

How can you take part?

Les documents d’étude seront publiés dans la rubrique d’information « Mise en compatibilité n°1 » du présent site Internet, dès leur finalisation.

Any comments can be sent to the local town hall, with a copy to the Communauté de Communes' town planning department.

QRGA Community of Municipalities
Town Planning Department
Town Hall
82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val


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