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Habitat meeting

Meet our partners and ask them your questions:

Midi-Quercy Country Espace Conseil France Rénov' - Guichet Rénov' Occitanie

If you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home (insulation, woodwork, heating, etc.) or adapt it to help you stay in your own home (sanitary facilities, access ramps, stairlifts, etc.), you can get free, neutral support from the public service.


You have legal questions about housing.

Town planning of the CC.QRGA

If you are planning to build or renovate, come and find out about your planning rights.

France services

If you would like help with your application for housing benefit or would like to be directed to the right person, depending on your situation. 

Combarieu real estate

You are looking for a property to rent or to sell;
you wish to rent or sell your property.

Bridge housing

Rent your accommodation on short leases, outside the summer season.

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