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Many of you took part in the Early Childhood Day on 19 November, and we'd like to thank you!

We would particularly like to thank the following speakers (The Caylus and Parisot micro-creches, the Laguépie childminders, the CCQRGA ALSH, the PMI childminder and family assistant accreditation service, the CAF, the MSA, Harmonie Mutuelle, Les Archerots, La médiathèque intercommunale, Laura Morel, Stéphanie Leprêtre, Marion Leuger, Le LAEP, Le RPE, La crèche familiale de Montauban, Quercylience, Sandrine Lucas, Marco Benard & Ninon, Bazart, Agathe et Amélie).

As well as the Espinas town hall for the loan of the hall.

One of the aims of the day was to identify the childcare needs of families in the CC-QRGA.

We invite you to view a slideshow showing the services and childcare options available in France and in our region, and to complete the questionnaire (if you haven't already done so).

Thank you for your involvement!

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the childcare department on or

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