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Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme (PLUi)

A joint project for balanced regional development in the 17 member communes of the inter-municipality.

Consult the PLUi

The PLUi of the Communauté de Communes du Quercy, Rouergue et des Gorges de l'Aveyron can be consulted in its entirety on the Géoportail de l'Urbanisme at the following address:

The Géoportail de l'urbanisme is the result of a partnership between the Ministry for Territorial Cohesion (MCT) and the National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information (IGN). It was created in April 2016 to host all the town planning documents and public utility easements applicable in France.

The aim of the Géoportail de l'urbanisme is to make town planning documents and public utility easements accessible to all users of the site. Visitors, whether they are private individuals, planning professionals or public bodies, can consult the planning regulations that apply to the area they are interested in.

Download the PLUi

Last modification approved on 27 September 2022

Presentation report

1.1 Diagnosis and initial state of the environment (PDF - 33 MB)

1.2 Justification and explanation of choices (PDF - 44 MB)

1.3 Environmental assessment (PDF - 10 MB)

1.4 Appendices to the presentation report (PDF - 58 MB)
- Ecological diagnosis of the area
- Atlas of urban and village morphology
- Overview of planning documents in force in 2014
Consumption of space between 2000 and 2010 (PDF - 35 MB)
Potential for densification and change (PDF - 133 MB)

Sustainable Planning and Development Project
Local housing programme
Development and programming guidelines
Graphic and written regulations

5.1 Graphic regulations (zoning) (PDF - 820 MB)
(For greater convenience, the zoning can also be consulted at Geoportal of Urban Planning)

5.2 Written regulations (PDF - 6 MB)

5.3 List of reserved locations (PDF - 0.5 MB)

5.4 List of buildings that can change use (PDF - 0.7 MB)

5.5 List of protected heritage features (PDF - 0.5 MB)

5.6 List of protected ecological features (PDF - 0.5 MB)


6. Appendices to the PLUi (ZIP - 490 MB)

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