Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCOT)
The Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale (SCOT) is a town planning document. It is a tool for inter-municipal strategic planning, and is the translation of a joint project designed to promote the coherent development and organisation of the area over the long term. It is drawn up in line with the objectives of sustainable development.
The SCOT is currently being drawn up by the Pays Midi-Quercy, on the scale of the three intercommunal bodies that make it up (CC Quercy, Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron, CC Quercy Caussadais and CC Quercy Vert Aveyron).
You can find all the information about the SCOT on the Pays Midi-Quercy website:

Understanding the SCOT in 3 videos
In addition, the following videos presented by the Fédération Nationale des SCOT (National Federation of SCOTs) will give you a better understanding of the role and impact of this document on the future organisation of our territory:
SCOT - Sustainable Planning and Development Project
The Schéma de COhérence Territoriale (SCOT) is currently being drawn up by the Pays Midi-Quercy, on the scale of the three intercommunal bodies that make it up (CC Quercy, Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron, CC Quercy Caussadais and CC Quercy Vert Aveyron).
As part of this document, a Sustainable Planning and Development Plan (PADD) has been drawn up. This is a strategic project that reflects a collective desire for action and sets a series of public policy objectives, a "course" for the coming years. These public policies relate to town planning, housing, transport, economic development, landscape quality, natural, agricultural and forestry areas, ecological continuity, etc.
A debate on the orientations of the PADD was held on 13 March 2020 in Monteils during a meeting of the Pays Midi-Quercy Syndical Committee.. Following this debate, a number of changes were made to the PADD to take account of the comments made. This amended version of the PADD (June 2020 version) can be consulted at by clicking on this link. The list of the main changes made to the previous version (PADD provisional version of March 2020, presented to the trade union committee on 13 March 2020) can be consulted at by clicking on this link.
For more information on the development of the PADD, you can consult the documents relating to previous meetings on this website or at the headquarters of the PETR du Pays Midi-Quercy in Nègrepelisse. To consult the articles and documents relating to the 3 main previous meetings held in 2020 on this project, please click on the dates of the meetings:
- Meeting of 13 March 2020 Debate on the guidelines of the PADD at the Pays Midi-Quercy Trade Union Committee meeting
- Meeting of 23 January 2020: presentation of the PADD to the associated public bodies and other participants, for their opinion
- Meeting of 14 January 2020: presentation of the PADD to the steering committee for its opinion. All the Communes and Communities of Communes in the Midi-Quercy region were invited to attend, as were members of the Midi-Quercy Regional Development Council.
The preparation of the PADD began in autumn 2019, with the first meeting on the design of this project taking place on 5 November 2019 in Caylus, attended by around sixty participants. Other meetings were organised in 2019 to build this project, during which various territorial stakeholders, including all the communes and EPCIs, had the opportunity to express their opinions on the content of this project. The various contributions made have helped to fuel the discussions on this project, enrich it and help it to evolve.
Next steps in the development of the Pays Midi-Quercy SCoT :
- The drafting of the Document d'Orientations et d'Objectifs (DOO) of the Pays Midi-Quercy SCoT will begin in the 2nd half of 2020. This document will be drawn up on the basis of the defined PADD.
- An information meeting on the SCoT project currently being drawn up is planned in each of the communities of communes of the Midi-Quercy region during the last quarter of 2020.The aim was to present the SCoT project currently being drawn up and its progress to the new teams of elected representatives.
- One or more meetings on the design of the DOO, to which various local stakeholders will be invited, will be organised in the last quarter of 2020 (provisional deadline). The DOO will continue to be drawn up during 2021, in particular throughout the 1st half of the year and if necessary (given the progress of the project) during the 2nd half of the year.
Source de l'article : Midi-Quercy Country