Find a accommodation
Are you new to the region or planning to move here soon?
To help you find accommodation, the Communauté de Communes offers a list of properties for rent, in addition to local estate agencies.
Type | Designation | Rent | Contact | Availability | Village |
Maison de village 130 m² | Maison sur 3 niveaux 4 chambres entrée Kitchen Salon Terrasse Salle de bain, WC Cave Consommation énergétique : C | 700 € + 165 € de charges | M. FERTE 06 84 29 39 14 | Libre fin mai | Saint Antonin Noble Val |
Furnished village house 90 m² | Avenue Paul Benet 3 bedrooms An exhibition A kitchen No garden | 700€ HC | MR CHESNEL 06 75 37 83 23 | Free | Saint Antonin Noble Val |
Flat T3 86 m² | 2 bedrooms Located on the 3rd floor, 14 rue Guilhem Peyre brand new Electric heating | 680 + €20 charges | Mrs REYNIER 05 34 41 39 09 06 11 87 54 90 | Free | Saint Antonin Noble Val |
Are you a landlord or tenant?
The answer to all your questions:
Or contact your Tarn et Garonne Departmental Housing Information Agency (ADIL 82):
Public welcome by appointment
5, rue Jules Ferry
82000 Montauban
Tel: 05 32 74 15 63
Email :
Site :
Closed to the public on Friday afternoons
Setting up in the QRGA
Do you have ainstallation in the QRGA and need accommodation temporary ?
See our list of furnished accommodation available - only - out of season and on short leases:
Other practical information
In Laguépie, Saint Antonin Noble Val, Parisot and Varen, two organisations offer social housing:
Tarn et Garonne Habitat and Promologis.
Applications can be made online at :
Tarn-et-Garonne Habitat
05 63 91 70 00
08 20 85 85 83