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Following the approval of amendment no. 1 to the Intercommunal Local Urban Planning Scheme (PLUi) on 22 January 2020, a material error was noted in the zoning of the urban planning document, with the incorrect location of two buildings that could undergo a change of use at a place known as "Touron" in the municipality of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val. This error is likely to block the implementation of an agro-tourism development project on this site.

In order to rectify this material error, a simplified modification of the PLUi was undertaken in August 2020. The Environmental Authority and the associated bodies were notified of the file, which was made available to the public from 5 November to 5 December 2020 at Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val town hall and at the CCQRGA head office.

In an opinion issued on 7 October, the Environmental Authority confirmed that simplified amendment no. 1 to the CCQRGA's PLUi is not subject to an environmental assessment.

Fifteen interested parties were contacted. Six of them issued an opinion:

No comments were recorded on the registers made available for one month.

As a result, simplified amendment no. 1 to the PLUi was approved by the Community Council on 26 January 2021.

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