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As part of the consultation process with the public, the first study file on modification no. 2 of the PLUi can be consulted by clicking on the link below:

First amendment file No. 2 of the PLUi

The opinions expressed by the associated bodies on this first dossier can be consulted below:

Opinion of the SCOT Centre-Ouest Aveyron

Opinion of the Tarn-et-Garonne Chamber of Trades and Crafts

Opinion of the Tarn-et-Garonne Departmental Council

Opinion of the Tarn Departmental Council

Opinion of the PETR Centre Ouest Aveyron

Opinion of the Commission Départementale de Préservation des Epaces Naturels Agricoles et Forestiers (CDPENAF) (Departmental Commission for the Preservation of Natural Agricultural and Forest Areas)

Decision by the Prefect of the Tarn-et-Garonne department on the limited urban development derogation

Opinion of the Prefect of Tarn-et-Garonne

On the basis of this first file, and by decision no. 2021DKO225 On 21 October 2021, the Mission Régionale d'Autorité Environnementale (MRAE) d'Occitanie (Regional Environmental Authority Mission for Occitania) submitted the draft amendment no. 2 to the PLUi for environmental assessment.

Decision of the Mission Régionale d'Autorité Environnementale of 21 October 2021

Following this initial decision, a second file was compiled, with a number of items that were not imperative for the municipalities removed and supplemented on the basis of the comments made by the MRAE in its first opinion.

Second amendment file No. 2 of the PLUi

On the basis of this second simplified and completed dossier, and by decision no. 2022DKO74 of 8 April 2022, the Mission Régionale d'Autorité Environnementale (MRAE) d'Occitanie (Regional Environmental Authority Mission for Occitania) exempted the proposed amendment no. 2 to the PLUi from environmental assessment.

Decision of the Mission Régionale d'Autorité Environnementale of 8 April 2022

This exemption from environmental assessment will enable the public enquiry into modification no. 2 to be launched, which will take place at the end of spring 2022.

The consultation phase remains open. Any comments on the second file can be sent to the local town hall, with a copy to the Communauté de communes' town planning department.

QRGA Community of Municipalities
Town Planning Department
Town Hall
82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val


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