Book Appointment

The Community Council meeting on Tuesday 28 January 2025 at the salle des Congrès, Saint Antonin Noble Val, 6.00 pm.

Agenda :

Appointment of the meeting secretary

6.00 pm - 6.30 pm: Presentation by the PNR des Causses du Quercy (general information on the revision of the PNR Charter)

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 03/12/2024
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    3.1 - SANITATION - Approval of the financial contribution for the technical assistance agreement with the Tarn et Garonne Departmental Council
    3.2 - SANITATION - Technical Assistance Agreement with the Tarn et Garonne Departmental Council
    3.3 SANITATION - Changes in water agency charges taken into account when billing customers for sanitation services
    3.4 SANITATION - Request for financial assistance from the Agence de l'Eau for the land application file for the Saint-Antonin Noble Val WWTP (preparation of a new land application plan)
  4. GEMAPI - provision of the GEMAPI service to EPAGE Aveyron Aval
  5. DRINKING WATER - Changes in water agency charges taken into account in the billing of water to customers
  6. CTG
    6.1 CTG - Signing of the ADIL 82 objectives and resources agreement for 2025
    6.2 CTG - Signing of the partnership agreement with the MSA
    7.1 - Grant application to DRAC Occitanie for the CTL
    7.2 - Renewal of rotating residence agreement
    8.1 URBA - Annual debate on local town planning policy (article L5211-62 of the CGCT)
    8.2 URBA - Avis sur le projet de décret modifiant le périmètre de l'établissement public foncier d'Occitanie (article L321-2 du code de l'urbanisme) (Opinion on the draft decree modifying the perimeter of the Établissement Public Foncier d'Occitanie (article L321-2 of the town planning code))
  9. CdC
    9.1 CdC - Allocation of a Fonds de concours to the commune of Varen for the micro-crèche project
    9.2 CdC - Payment of a capital grant to the SGPSO for the construction of the LGV high-speed rail link
    9.3 CdC - Approval of the VIF agreement
    9.4 CdC - Grant application for the installation of electric recharging points
  10. HOUSEHOLD WASTE - Approval of an agreement for the provision of a "Responsible Event" kit
  11. OTI - Signing of the 2023-2027 Grands Sites Occitanie contract
  12. ALSH - Child and Youth Services: New rates applicable to local associations for the loan of mini-buses
    13.1 - CNAS - Updating of procedures for updating beneficiaries.
    13.2 - HR - Deliberation concerning the creation of jobs linked to a temporary increase in activity (article l332-
    13.3 23 1° of the General Civil Service Code).
    13.4 HR - Use of temporary workers for the Grotte du Bosc and tourist office services
    13.5 HR - ALSH - Recruitment of staff under the Contrat d'Engagement Éducatif (CEE).
    13.6 HR - ALSH - Creation of two non-permanent posts of territorial technical assistant for seasonal increase in activity
    13.7 HR - Deliberation concerning the creation of a post linked to a temporary increase in activity (article l332-23 1° of the general civil service code).
    13.8 HR - Deliberation concerning the creation of a permanent, non-full-time post with a work quota of less than 50% (article l332-23 5° of the general civil service code).
    13.9 HR - Creation of jobs for seasonal increases in activity


  • PLIE - Update following the cessation of EREF Quercy Rouergue's activities
  • SCOT - Discussion on the meeting of 04/02/2025 at the Prefecture, on the future of the SCOT

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