During the meeting of 2 March 2021the Community Council defined the objectives and procedures for public consultation prior to the following changes to the PLUi :
- Simplified amendment no. 2 (access measurements) to rectify a material error at Pech Contal in Varen
- Amendment no. 2 (access to measurements) to rectify material errors, adapt certain rules to the challenges facing the region and take account of new projects
- Mise en compatibilité n°1 (access measurements) for the project declaration relating to the development of a solar power plant at the village of Servanac in Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val
These consultation measures are in addition to the legal obligations to hold a public enquiry for modification no. 2 and compatibility no. 1, and to make the file available to the public for simplified modification no. 2.
The study documents will be published in the various sections of the website as soon as they have been finalised.
Any comments can be sent to the local town hall, with a copy to the Communauté de Communes' town planning department.
[author title="For further information" image="https://cc-qrga.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/tel.png"]
QRGA Community of Municipalities
Town Planning Department
Town Hall
82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val