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The Syndicat Départemental des Déchets de Tarn-et-Garonne (SDD82) is responsible for drawing up the Local Programme for the Prevention of Household and Assimilated Waste (PLPDMA). The aim of this multi-annual document (2022-2027) is to set out policy guidelines for the prevention of household waste, and it must be submitted for public consultation before being adopted by the deliberative assembly of each Community of Communes that is a member of the SDD82.

Below, you will find the documents relating to the public consultation on the Local Programme for the Prevention of Household and Assimilated Waste (PLPDMA).

  • A summary document presenting the PLPDMA. 
  • A full, detailed presentation of the PLPDMA's actions.

You can send your comments and suggestions on these documents to until 8 January 2023. You can also consult these documents in hard copy at the CCQRGA or in your town hall.

There are 2 options:

with the subject line: "consultation_publique_plpdma-votrenom".

  • or send a letter to : 

SDD82, Hôtel du Département, 100 Bd Hubert Gouze, 82 000 Montauban.

To find out more, contact the Household Waste Department on 05 63 65 77 89.

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