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Community of Communes of Quercy Rouergue and Gorges de l'Aveyron (CCQRGA)

Amendment no. 2 to the Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme (PLUi)

>>> Access to the online public enquiry file (ZIP - 20 MB) <<<


The CCQRGA informs that a public enquiry will be held on the draft modification n°2 of the PLUi for a period of 31 consecutive days from Friday 3 June 2022 at 9am to Monday 4 July 2022 at 5pm. The headquarters of the public enquiry will be at the CCQRGA headquarters, place de l'hôtel de ville, BP 30, 82140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val.

The draft amendment aims to achieve the following objectives:

- Objective 1: rectify material errors
- Objective 2: adapt certain regulatory provisions
- Objective 3: take into account the emergence of new projects

By decision no. 2022DKO74, the Occitanie Environmental Authority dispensed with the need for an environmental assessment of this proposed amendment to the PLUi.

By decision no. E22000043/31 of the Toulouse Administrative Court, Ms Catherine FUERTES was appointed Commissaire-Enquête.

The file will be available for consultation in paper format at the following locations and during normal opening hours during the public enquiry period:

- CCQRGA, place de l'hôtel de ville, BP 30, 82 140 Saint Antonin-Noble-Val ;
- Castanet Town Hall (82)
- Caylus Town Hall (82)
- Cazals Town Hall (82)
- Espinas Town Hall (82)
- Féneyrols Town Hall (82)
- Ginals Town Hall (82)
- Lacapelle-Livron Town Hall (82)
- Laguépie Town Hall (82)
- Loze Town Hall (82)
- Montrosier Town Hall (81)
- Mouillac Town Hall (82)
- Parisot Town Hall (82)
- Puylagarde Town Hall (82)
- Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val Town Hall (82)
- Saint-Projet Town Hall (82)
- Varen Town Hall (82)
- Verfeil-sur-Seye Town Hall (82)

The enquiry file can also be consulted in electronic format on a computer workstation available at the CCQRGA headquarters, as well as on the CCQRGA website, at the following address:

Ms Catherine FUERTES will be available to the public for comments, proposals, assessments and counter-proposals:

- in Caylus on Friday 3 June 2022 from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm at the town hall (council chamber),
- in Parisot on Friday 10 June 2022 from 9am to 12pm at the town hall (council chamber),
- in Laguépie on Friday 17 June 2022 from 9am to 12pm at the town hall (council chamber),
- in Varen on Thursday 30 June 2022 from 9am to 12pm at the Town Hall (Council Chamber)
- in Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val on Monday 4 July 2022 from 1.30pm to 5pm at the town hall (salle des congrès).

The public may also record their comments in the paper survey register made available at each survey location, or send them by e-mail to or by post to the following address: Madame Commissaire Enquêteur, CCQRGA, service urbanisme, BP 30, 82140 Saint Antonin-Noble-Val.

At the end of the enquiry period, the duly closed enquiry register and the documents related to the enquiry will be sent to the Investigating Commissioner within 24 hours.

Once the Investigating Commissioner's report and reasoned conclusions have been submitted, the public will be able to consult them at the CCQRGA headquarters and on the website for a period of one year.

At the end of the public enquiry, the CCQRGA Community Council will deliberate on approving the PLUi, which may be amended in the light of the report and reasoned conclusions of the Commissaire Enquêteur.

The authority from which information may be requested is: CCQRGA, Service Urbanisme, BP 30, 82 140 Saint Antonin-Noble-Val | Téléphone : | Courriel : urbanisme(arobase)

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