Real estate assistance companies
At the beginning of 2024, the CCQRGA revised its regulations on support for business real estate, to ensure that they correspond as closely as possible to the needs of the region, but also to the profiles of existing businesses!
By supporting business investment in property that creates resources for the area and maintains or generates jobs, the elected representatives of the Communauté de Communes wish to strengthen the local economic fabric and thus contribute to the attractiveness of the inter-communal area. The aid granted to companies must therefore help to maintain, create or develop economic activities.
Eligibility criteria
To qualify for this aid, a company must :
- Be established or plan to be established in the CCQRGA area.
- Be up to date with your tax and social security obligations.
- The work or expenditure must not have started prior to the application for assistance.
- Have been in existence for more than three years or, exceptionally, have a balance sheet that is at least one year old for new businesses.
- Certain companies in real-life business test situations are also eligible.
Eligible sectors
Eligible sectors include industry (including agri-food), services to businesses and individuals, the professions, commerce, crafts and certain types of tourist accommodation.
Eligible expenditure
Eligible expenditure includes the purchase of land and buildings (subject to conditions), constructions or extensions, renovations, energy efficiency improvements, and certain costs associated with running the project. Expenditure on leasing property belonging to the community or municipalities is also eligible, subject to conditions.
Financing arrangements
The aid is awarded in the form of a grant and calculated on the basis of the costs of the operations, excluding VAT.
The aide from the QRGA Community of Communes is calculated as follows:
- The minimum eligible amount must be 10 000€ (or €4,000 for eligible rental expenditure).
- The amount of aid is capped at 25 000€ per company.
For all other projects, the EPCI will contribute at the following rate:
- The rate of assistance from the QRGA Community of Communes will be based on the score awarded to the company when the application file is examined.
The amount of aid may not exceed the company's own funds and depends on the size of the company and its location (may vary depending on whether the company is located in an AFR zone: Caylus, Mouillac, Ginals, Castanet and Laguépie).
As a general rule, the elected representatives of the Communauté de Communes reserve the right to grant a higher ceiling to any project deemed to be of strategic interest to the region.
Award process
Applications for property investment aid will be assessed by the CCQRGA's Economic Development Commission, then discussed and voted on by the Community Council. The granting of aid depends on technical criteria, the availability of funds and the level of consumption of the budget allocated to aid. Projects are judged on their quality, their economic, social and environmental impact, and their relevance to local needs. If approved, an agreement specifying the financial commitments and conditions of the aid is signed between the CCQRGA and the beneficiary company.
The aim of this initiative is not only to boost the local economy, but also to facilitate access to land and the necessary infrastructure for businesses, thereby promoting sustainable economic development in the Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron.
Voure you planning to invest in property to develop your business? Consult the new regulations and check your company's eligibility :

For all questions and requests for further information:
Economic development and attractiveness
- 07 76 11 42 30
- QRGA Community of Municipalities