Book Appointment
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The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 11 April 2023 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 28/03/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
  3. BUDGET :
    3.1. Voting on local tax rates (2023)
    3.2. Voting on the rate applicable to the 2023 Taxe d'Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères (TEOM - household waste collection tax)
    3.3. Vote on the amount of the GEMAPI tax (2023)
    3.4. Vote Subsidy paid to the budget of the Intercommunal Tourist Office (OTI)
    3.5. Vote Subsidy paid to the budget of the Intercommunal Tourist Office (OTI) as part of the AMI Avenir Montagne engineering initiative
    3.6. Vote on grant to the wastewater treatment budget
    3.7. Subsidies paid to local childcare facilities
    3.8. Subscriptions paid to CCQRGA partner organisations
    3.9. Vote Compensatory allowances
    3.10. Appropriation of 2022 net profit
    3.10.1 ITOS
    3.10.2 Economic development leases
    3.10.3 Drinking water
    3.11. Vote on the 2023 preliminary budgets
  4. TIERS LIEU - Amendment to the public works contract for the conversion of a hangar into a Tiers Lieu, ZA le Chirou, Caylus - ELECTRICITY work package
  5. HUMAN RESOURCES - creation of permanent full-time administrative posts in a group of municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants
  6. GRANTS - Allocation of grants by the Communauté de Communes to various local players for 2023
  7. MOBILITY - Addition of "Mobility planning (production of a Simplified Mobility Plan)" to the definition of the community interest in the optional "transport" remit
    8.1. DRINKING WATER - Rates for water charges 2023
    8.2. DRINKING WATER - Tariffs with the commune of SAINT MICHEL DE VAX
    8.3. DRINKING WATER - Tariffs with the commune of PENNE


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