Book Appointment

The Community Council meeting on Tuesday 23 May 2023 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

6.00 pm - 6.15 pm: Speech on the Jardins des Gorges de l'Aveyron by Mr Christian GALLAND, Mayor of Féneyrols

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 11/04/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    - Arrêté n°2023_05 relating to the modification of OTI tariffs
    - Order no. 2023_06 concerning the updating of the PLUi
    - Arrêté n°2023_07 relating to the modification of rates for the Grotte du Bosc
    3.1 - Deliberation to create a post to carry out an identified operation - (article L332-24 of the General Civil Service Code)
    3.2 - Creation of seasonal posts for premises maintenance (x2)
    3.3 - Creation of a permanent contract position (sanitation)
  4. DIGITAL ADVISER - Application for the Conseiller Numérique France Service (CNFS) scheme for the period 2023-2025
  5. ACTIVITY REPORT - Approval of the 2022 annual report
  6. MOBILITY - Approval of the delegation agreement with the Regional Council for the creation of a Simplified Mobility Plan (PDMS)
  7. WASTE - Application for the New Territories Committed to Waste Management and Prevention (NTE) call for projects
  8. OTI
    8.1. OTI - Changes to the OTI's management structure
    8.2. OTI - Updating of tourist tax rates and introduction of additional regional tax

8.3. OTI - Exit from the PETR agreement for the implementation of the sustainable tourism action plan for the Midi-Quercy Gorges de l'Aveyron region

  1. DRINKING WATER - DM for credit transfer (account 678)
  2. SANITATION - CP - Launch of consultation for a public sewerage works contract - connection of the ZA de Fontales in Saint-Antonin Noble Val
  3. Community of Communes
    11.1 Updating of the statutes of the QRGA Community of Communes and proposed transfer of competence to the EPCI by its member communes, relating to part of the competence for water supply (article L.211-7 of the Environment Code).
    11.2 Launch of an Intercommunal Safeguard Plan (PICS)
  4. ENVIRONMENT - Definition of the community interest of the additional competence listed in the CGCT "Protection and enhancement of the environment".
  5. EARLY CHILDHOOD - Structuring childcare provision in the eastern part of the region (Varen - Laguépie)
    14.1 - Amendment to the public works contract for the conversion of a hangar into a Tiers Lieu, ZA le Chirou in Caylus for lots 01 (VRD); 02 (Gros oeuvre); lot 03 (Charpente métal); lot 06 (Menuiserie intérieure) and lot 09 (CVC, Plomberie)
    14.2 - Launch of a call for "Foodtrucks" projects on the La Fabrique / Zone du Chirou site


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