Book Appointment

The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 24 October 2023 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary
6:00 - 6:30 pm: Presentation by Mr Zamuner (DDFIP82) of the local authority's accounting quality report.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 12/09/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
    3.1. Approval of the accounting quality report presented by DDFIP82
    3.2 Write-offs (General budget)
    3.3 Write-offs (OTI budget)
    3.4. Write-offs (WATER budget)
    3.5. Write-offs (SANITATION budget)
    4.1. Amendment to the masonry works contract for the educational workshops
    4.2 Renewal of the application for funding from the Department (FDSE)
  5. TIERS LIEU - Amendment to the works contract - VRD lot for the Fabrique (removal of the rainwater recovery tank)
    6.1. Recognition of the EPAGE status of the joint association for the upstream Aveyron catchment area
    6.2. CdC - Amendment to resolution no. 2023_2757 appointing representatives to various external commissions and bodies (Appointment of permanent and alternate delegates to the EPAGE Aveyron Aval)
  7. PETITES VILLES DEMAIN (PVD) - Amendment to the partnership agreement with the EPF Occitanie for the municipality of Caylus to take account of the ORT perimeter
  8. HOUSEHOLD WASTE - Exemption from the Tax for the Collection of Household Waste (Update of resolution no. 405/2005 of 23 November 2005).
    9.1. Amending decision (regularisation of invoices and write-offs)
    9.2. Grant application for network renewal work at Majac in the Commune of Parisot

9.3. Termination of the provision of three plots of land in St-Antonin-Noble-Val

  1. OTI - Amendment to resolution no. 2023-2740 dated 04/07/2023 concerning application to the Pôle de Pleine Nature - Massif Central - Season 2 call for projects
  2. CHILDREN AND YOUTH - Change in ski trip prices
  3. PETR - Approval of a local health contract (CLS) for the Midi-Quercy region)
    13.1. WATER AND SANITATION SERVICE - change in employee working hours (Emeline to 35:00)
    13.2 WATER SERVICE - Introduction of standby duty (Tony ABRAN and Ibrahim SNANI DOUCET)
    13.3. SERVICE OTI - Creation of a project contract -cat A - Attaché territorial (following a call for projects for the outdoor centre)
    13.4. HR - hiring of temporary workers for the Bosc cave service (Amends resolution no. 2023_2713)


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