Book Appointment
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Agenda :

Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 19/07/2022
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman under delegated powers
    • - Award of contract for the acquisition of digital equipment
    • - Amendment no. 4-1 to the works contract for the Carpentry and Timber Frame work package for the Carsac site
  4. URBA: approval of amendment no. 2 to the PLUi
  5. ROADS - Approval of the funding plan for the roads department and grant application
  6. WATER
    • - Approval of the 2021 PQRS
    • - Debate on preserving water resources
    • - Approval of the 2021 PQRS (collective)
    • - Approval of the RPQS 2021 (non-collective)
    • - Application for financial assistance from the Agence de l'Eau (Water Agency) for additional studies to the sanitation diagnostic study
  8. TIERS LIEU - Modification of the revenue account (modifies deliberation n°2020_2157)
    • - TECHNICAL SERVICES: Creation of posts linked to a temporary increase in seasonal activity
    • - communauté de communes - death of an employee - payment of a death benefit
    • - communauté de communes - compensation for annual leave not taken in the event of permanent cessation of activity
    • - Deliberation concerning the creation of an architect's post (project contract)
    • - creation of a full-time permanent post of senior administrative assistant 1st class territorial in a group of municipalities of less than 15,000 inhabitants (ADS instructor)
    • Amendment to the internal rules on work cycles and the right to reduced working hours
    • Updating of the establishment plan for permanent jobs
    • Update of the RIFSEEP of the CCQRGA
  10. BUDGET
    • - Amending Decision Main Budget : Payment of a death benefit
    • - Borrowing to finance the Tiers-Lieu project and the purchase of a refuse collection vehicle (material amendment to resolution 2022_2543)
  11. OM
    • - CCQRGA contribution to the purchase price of composters
    • - Introduction of a flat rate for professionals
  12. COMMISSIONS - Changes to the membership of the Economic Development Commission
  13. GROTTE DU BOSC - Amendment no. 2 to the contract to build a play area
  14. GEMAPI
    • - Amendment to Aveyron Aval agreement
    • - Extension of Aveyron Aval study
  15. PETR - Election of a candidate delegate to the PETR Bureau
  16. COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES - Launch of consultation for a public insurance contract
  17. MOBILITY - Creation of an organised carpooling service and installation of signs for hitchhiking
  18. HEALTH - Amendment to the financing plan for the appointment of a doctor as part of the "Ma Santé ma Région" GIP.


  • Information on the maintenance of household waste collection points
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