Book Appointment

The Community Council meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2024 will be held at "Les Granges du Lac", 22 avenue du 8 mai 1945, Caylus, from 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

6.00-6.20pm: Speech by Bernadette Rames, President of the Espace Rural Emploi Formation (EREF) QRGA.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 05/12/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman in accordance with his delegated powers: Award of contract for water study (Varen)
    3.1. Presentation of the 2023 Administrative Accounts without a vote
    3.2 Closure of the "Régie Tiers lieu" attached to the main budget
    3.3. THIRD-PARTY FACILITY: Creation of an imprest account for the Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron, attached to the "economic development rental" budget.
    3.4. Renewal of the "public purchase" card as a means of executing public contracts under Decree 2004-1144 of 26 October 2004
  4. DRINKING WATER - Installation of 15mm and 20mm volumetric water meters fitted with a radio reading module and removal of the old meters - Award of the public contract
  5. SANITATION - Work to connect the Zone Artisanale de Fontales in St Antonin Noble Val to the sanitation system - Award of the public contract
  6. HOUSEHOLD WASTE - Modification of the revenue account
  7. GEMAPI - CCQRGA membership of EPAGE Aveyron aval
  8. OTI - Amendment to the grant application for the development of the region's tourism development strategy (amendment to resolution no. 2023_2741)
  9. ECONOMY - Launch of an Entrepreneurial Competition - Business creation and development in the QRGA (2024 edition)
  10. CdC - Amendment to resolution no. 2023_2759 of 12 September 2023 on the various internal thematic committees (Election of a member of the Town Planning Committee)
    11.1. Annual debate on local town planning policy (article L5211-62 of the CGCT)
    11.2. Light" revision of the PLUi in application of the provisions of article L153-34 of the town planning code (to be confirmed)
    12.1. TRAINEES - reception of teaching trainees - gratification (as 2023-2678) (Aveyron Aval)
    12.2 OTI - Deliberation authorising the Chairman to recruit a contractual agent to fill a vacant post (modification of an existing post)
    12.3 GROTTE - Creation of non-permanent posts (temporary increase in activity - heritage assistant over 8 months from March to November).
    12.4 GROTTE - Recruitment of temporary grotto workers for 2024
    12.5. WORKS DEPARTMENT - Creation of a permanent post of Territorial Technical Assistant (retirement replacement)
    12.6. WATER WORKS REGIE - Creation of a 32:00 Etam post
    12.7. DRINKING WATER - Creation of a permanent post (contract change)
    12.8. DRINKING WATER - DRINKING WATER - Creation of an ETAM post on a permanent private-law contract following a change in function
    12.9. FRANCE SERVICES - Creation of a post for a 35-hour shift
    12.10. Creation of seasonal posts (Grotto; Paths; OM; outdoor site maintenance)
    12.11. ALSH - Recruitment of staff under the Contrat d'Engagement Éducatif (CEE).
    12.12. Creation of two non-permanent posts of territorial technical assistant for seasonal increase in activity (Maintenance of the ALSH premises)
    12.13. HR - Amendment to resolutions 2022_2535 and 2023_2677 concerning the use of civic service - request for additional approval
    12.14. HR - OM - decision to create a permanent post in a group of municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants (article l332-8 3° of the general civil service code)
  13. CULTURE - Partnership for the development of cinema facilities in the inter-communal area and grant application


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