Book Appointment

The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 4 July 2023 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.

Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 23/05/2023
  2. Report on decisions taken by the Chairman within the scope of his delegations.
  3. PVD
    3.1 - Definition of community interest in housing policy and the quality of life
    3.2 - Definition of the perimeter of the OPAH RU in the town centre of Caylus
  4. ROADS - Approval of the 2023 funding plan for the roads department and grant application
  5. BUDGET - Introduction of the M57 nomenclature from 1 January 2024 (amendment to deliberation no. 2023_2682)
  6. PUBLIC READING - Approval of the framework agreement for the implementation of the talveraie season (ex big bang des arts) during school time in the midi-quercy region
    7.1 - SMELS - Approval of the revised Articles of Association of the Syndicat Mixte des Eaux du Lévézou Ségala, dated 20 February 2023
    7.2 - SMELS - Approval of the revised Articles of Association of the Syndicat Mixte des Eaux du Lévézou Ségala, dated 13 April 2023
    7.3 - SMELS - Approval of the extension of the scope of the Syndicat Mixte des Eaux du LEVEZOU SEGALA to include the municipality of MILHARS (81)
  8. OTI
    8.1 - Application for the Pôle de Pleine Nature call for projects

8.2 - Amendment to the request for a grant from the Departmental Council for the development of the region's tourism development strategy, as part of support for regional engineering

  1. DRINKING WATER - Launch of a contract for the installation of water meters equipped with a radio reading module, including the removal and return of old meters
    10.1 - Recruitment of an agent on a project contract for a position of Territorial Volunteer in Administration (to be confirmed) (replacement)
    10.2 - Renewal of a project contract for a Territorial Volunteer in Administration post
    10.3 - Creation of a full-time post for a temporary increase in activity (accounting tutoring) (replacement)
    10.4 - Update of the staffing table
    10.5 - DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT - Opening of a worker post on a permanent private-law contract (replacement)
    10.6 - DRINKING WATER - Recruitment of an employee on a fixed-term private-law contract (replacement)
    10.7 - Decision to create a permanent post (supervisor) (promotion - OM)
    10.8 - ALSH - Recruitment of staff under the Contrat d'Engagement Éducatif (CEE) (Supplements the deliberation of 31 January 2023 number 2023_2629)
    10.9 - Update of teleworking regulations
    10.10 - creation of permanent full-time administrative posts in a group of municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants
  3. TIERS LIEU - Amendment to the contract for the conversion of a hangar into a third-party site (lot 7 - locksmithing)


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