The Conseil Communautaire meeting on Tuesday 6 December 2022 will be held at the Salle des Congrès in St Antonin Noble Val at 6.00 pm.
Agenda :
Appointment of the meeting secretary
- Approval of the minutes of the Community Council meeting of 08/11/2022
- Report on decisions taken by the Chairman under delegated powers
- Budget
3.1. Main budget - Creation of a public-private partnership for the Tiers Lieu
3.2. Main budget - DM for loan interest
3.3. Water budget - Creation of an extended administrative unit
3.4. Sanitation budget - Creation of an extended revenue-generating unit
3.5. Sanitation budget - DM for credit transfer relating to the purchase of a vehicle - TIERS LIEU - amendment to lots 01 (VRD); 09 (CVPL) and 11 (PLATRERIE) of the public works contract for the conversion of a hangar into a "tiers-lieu" (subject to confirmation)
- Community of Communes
5.1 - Award of the public insurance contract
5.2 - Sale of a plot of land (no. 2926, section B), at Bruguières, to Mr Claude SICRE
- Health GIP point
- Gendarmerie Brigade
- PPN (subject to change)
- SCOT item
- Update on the "early childhood" day on 19 November in Espinas