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By Chairman's order dated 5 February 2021The Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron (CCQRGA) has initiated modification no. 2 (M2) of the Plan Local d'Urbanisme Intercommunal (PLUi) approved on 24 October 2017 and amended a first time on 22 January 2020.

Why this change?

The decision to change the town planning document was taken in order to provide the local authorities with an error-free document that could be interpreted by the services responsible for issuing planning authorisations and that took account of changes in the local context.

What does it involve?

This amendment includes the following items:

a) Correction of material errors :

- Correction of two cadastral designation errors at Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val
- Semantic corrections to certain terms in the written regulations

b) Adapting certain rules to local conditions :
- Changes in the distance between annexes and the main building in agricultural and natural zones
- Changes in the distance between annexes and roads and public rights-of-way in agricultural and natural zones
- Clarification of the rules governing the siting and external appearance of fences
- Clarification on the possibility of converting annexes into living accommodation

c) Consideration of new projects :
- Creation, modification or deletion of reserved areas
- Designation of buildings likely to undergo a change of use in agricultural and natural zones under article L151-11.2 of the Code de l'Urbanisme (Town Planning Code)
- Modification of development and programming guidelines
- Limited changes to the graphic regulations

Are any consultation measures planned?

The objectives and procedures for consultation with the public will be set out in a subsequent decision by the Community Council.

As part of the process of developing the PLUi, a public enquiry will be held, with the Commissaire Enquêteur attending to receive your comments.


Any comments or questions may be addressed to the CCQRGA Town Planning Department:

Community of Communes of Quercy, Rouergue and Gorges de l'Aveyron
Place de l'hôtel de ville
BP 30 - 82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val


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