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The public enquiry into amendment no. 2 to the Intercommunal Local Urban Development Plan took place from 3 June to 4 July 2022. The amendment project has three aims: to rectify material errors, to adapt certain rules to the challenges facing the region and to take account of new projects. These elements and the changes made to the PLUi were presented in a file made available to the public.

Download the public enquiry file

On 2 August 2022, following this public enquiry, the Investigating Commissioner submitted her report on the public enquiry, together with her conclusions and reasoned opinion on the comments made during this period. The report includes a reminder of the nature and characteristics of the project, the organisation and conduct of the enquiry and the responses of the communauté de communes to the enquiry commissioner's report.

Download the public enquiry report

The investigating commissioner has also set out her conclusions and reasoned opinions in a separate presentation, specifying whether they are favourable, favourable with reservations or unfavourable to the project.

Download the conclusions and reasoned opinions

The report, together with the conclusions and reasoned opinions, may be consulted at the headquarters of the Communauté de Communes du Quercy, Rouergue et des Gorges de l'Aveyron, place de l'hôtel de ville, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val.

At the next Community Council meeting, which will include the approval of the amended PLUi on the agenda, a proposal will be made to the community councillors to accept the majority of the opinions, reservations and recommendations of the investigating commissioner.

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