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On 25 August 2020, the Communauté de Communes du Quercy Rouergue et Gorges de l'Aveyron (CCQRGA) initiated simplified modification no. 1 (MS1) of the Plan Local d'Urbanisme Intercommunal (PLUi).

The sole purpose of this minor procedure is to rectify a material error in application of article L 153-45 of the Code de l'Urbanisme. Following approval of amendment no. 1 to the PLUi on 22 January 2020, it was found that the zoning of the urban planning document had been incorrectly located, with the incorrect location of two buildings likely to undergo a change of use (article L151-11 2° of the Code de l'Urbanisme) at the place known as " Touron "The site is located in the commune of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val. This error is likely to block the implementation of an agri-tourism development project on this site.

You will find below the documents relating to this procedure:

Administrative documents

Chairman's order initiating simplified amendment no. 1

Deliberation by the Communautaire Council setting out the arrangements for making the file available to the public

Opinion of the Tarn Departmental Council (17 September 2020)

Opinion of the Montauban Chamber of Commerce and Industry (21 September 2020)

Opinion of the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat du Tarn-et-Garonne (1 October 2020)

Opinion of the Tarn-et-Garonne Departmental Council (14 October 2020)

Opinion of the Environmental Authority (7 October 2020)

Chairman's order setting out the terms and conditions of the public consultation (19 October 2020)


Dossier de modification simplifiée n°1

Presentation leaflet (PDF - 1.3 MB)


Any comments or questions may be addressed to the CCQRGA Town Planning Department:

Community of Communes of Quercy, Rouergue and Gorges de l'Aveyron
Place de l'hôtel de ville
BP 30 - 82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val
05 63 30 67 01

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