As part of the public consultation process, the study file for simplified modification no. 2 of the PLUi can be consulted by clicking on the link below:
Study file for simplified modification no. 2 of the PLUi
Opinions formulated by the Environmental Authority and associated parties will be regularly published by updating this article.
Opinion of the Tarn Departmental Council
Opinion of the Tarn-et-Garonne Chamber of Trades and Crafts
Opinion of the Tarn-et-Garonne Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Notice from the Tarn-et-Garonne Prefecture
Decision by the Prefecture granting an exemption from the principle of limited urbanisation
By decision no. 2021DKO82 of 12 May 2021, the Mission Régionale d'Autorité Environnementale (MRAE) d'Occitanie (Regional Environmental Authority Mission for Occitania) waived the requirement for an environmental assessment for this simplified amendment project no. 2 to the PLUi.
Decision of the Mission Régionale d'autorité Environnementale of 12 May 2021
Any comments on the file may be sent to the local town hall, with a copy to the Communauté de communes' town planning department.
QRGA Community of Municipalities
Town Planning Department
Town Hall
82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val