By resolution of 2 March 2021, the Community Council defined the objectives and procedures for public consultation prior to simplified modification no. 2 of the PLUi.
As part of the process of developing the PLUi, legislation requires that the documents in the file and a register of comments be made available to the public for a minimum period of one month.
The consultation organised by the local authority is intended to complement this system.
Consultation procedures
- The final study documents will be made available on the CCQRGA website;
- Publication in the inter-communal newsletter "La Gazette";
- Comments are recorded and stored by the town planning department.
The results of the consultation process and how they have been taken into account in the project will be presented to the Community Council when simplified amendment no. 2 is approved.
How can you take part?
The study documents will be published in the "Modification simplifiée n°2" section of this website as soon as they have been finalised.
Any comments can be sent to the local town hall, with a copy to the Communauté de Communes' town planning department.
QRGA Community of Municipalities
Town Planning Department
Town Hall
82 140 Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val